Your Adventure Into The Supernatural Will Be Guided by a Seasoned Warrior

Hi, I’m your Miracle Mentor for this course. I’m here to help you unlock your supernatural potential and fulfill your destiny in Christ Jesus.

I have been a devout Christian for over fifty years, and I have dedicated my life to helping others discover the power of signs, wonders, and miracles. I have written countless articles on various aspects of Bible-based supernatural gifting, and I have operated in the prophetic, healing, and deliverance ministries for decades.

As might be expected, I have also had many personal experiences in the supernatural realm, such as enjoying the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit as well as encounters with both Jesus Christ and Father God. I have had numerous experiences with angels, demons, satanists, witches, and other paranormal phenomena. I want to share my knowledge and wisdom with you so that you can avoid injury from the stumbling stones, enemy traps, and divinely allowed "tests" that I faced along the way. Because of a lack of spiritual discipleship, I fell victim to these dangers more than once. Learn from my mistakes, or suffer your own.

By enrolling in this course, you will learn how to walk in signs, wonders, and miracles and fulfill your destiny in Christ Jesus. You will gain access to my decades of experience and knowledge in the supernatural realm. This is all about winning souls for the Kingdom. This is about bearing spiritual fruit, fighting the good fight, and winning a divinely awarded crown so that we have something to throw at the feet of Jesus when we return home.

Working independently and together, I expect we can easily reach twenty million souls for the Kingdom. Many of our graduates can look forward to filling key roles in future evangelistic crusade events held by Revival Quest Christian Crusades.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your life and become part of something greater than yourself. Sign up now and let’s embark on this adventure together!

P.S.: FYI, my profile pic is photo-shopped to express my love of both God and Country. I hope it also shows that despite the very serious spiritual subjects I'm involved in, I don’t like to take myself too seriously :)

Fulfill Your Supernatural Destiny In Christ Jesus

The fact that you're reading this tell me you are a special type of Christian. Welcome, you will find this course of "meat dishes" delicious!

The main goal of this course is to help you transition painlessly into walking in signs, wonders, and miracles like you were always meant to do!

To get to that point this course covers a wide range of topics involving spiritual laws, and various bizarre supernatural experiences. We get rid of the myths about the supernatural right off the bat, replacing them with accurate information.

By the time the student completes all seven modules over a two to three-month period he will have accomplished things he never thought possible before. Additionally, the student will never look at reality the same ever again! Buckle-up friends, this will be an adventure that will change your life.

Introduction To The Supernatural Christian Course

This course is closed for enrollment.