The Outrageous Stakes Involved In Our Faithfulness

Little did you realize just how precious your Christian faith was, but now you realize it is a matter of life and death. Not only for yourself but for those connected to you. Look, we are both adults, we need to both be real here. Life and death consequences are not something to play nicey-nice with. It is what it is and no matter what excuses weak and immature so-called Christians come up with, the sober, solemn reality is that people's eternal destinies are impacted by our personal levels of faithfulness to Bible-based spiritual principles. I already know; we don't want to think about such weighty responsibilities--so our knee-jerk reaction is to stick our heads in the sand and pretend we have no responsibility in anyone's eternal destiny. I would be adversely impacting YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY if I were not responsible and loving enough to clarify this truth for you now, before it is too late to make amends on that solemn 'Day of the Lord', when you stand face-to-face with Him to give account for "every idle word" you have spoken. Don't get mad at me, this is in the Bible, friend. And friends tell each other the truth, not what they want to hear.
"So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. " (Romans 14:12-13)
 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." (Matthew 12:36-37)
That said, I know you don't want to hear this but the spiritual reality is that should you choose not to strengthen your faith and begin walking in miracles, signs and wonders you may very well be condemning someone to death who could have lived had you been more faithful in your Christian walk. Instead, that person not having any alternative is left to rely on western medicine. Again, I'm just being real here. I don't have time to sugar coat this truth pill. Chances are I will be the only one to ever remind you of this somber truth. Which, FYI, proves I'm your Friend!

I need you to really take a moment to focus on the the question of 'are you okay with knowing that people could die without your seeking divine intervention on their behalf?' Keep in mind, "people" includes a nephew, niece, child or grandchild of yours. If that's just peachy with you, I don't want you to "waste" your own or my time any further on this course.
Let's take this a step further, brother or sister. Let's say someone in your family, God forbid, were to develop a terminal disease. Whether that person is a parent or a young child, whoever the survivors are will be at risk of the enemy convincing them that it was God's fault their child, or their parent died. What do you think the chances are of that person falling for that lie and consequently harden their heart against God? What if they carry that grudge against God throughout their whole life (anyone in ministry will tell you this is a common scenario). What are the odds that person, without the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, is going to spend eternity in heaven? So we aren't talking about a solitary physical death anymore but the possible loss of a soul for eternity. Again, I am trying to remind you the stakes are outrageously high when it comes to your level of Christian faithfulness. You have a chance now to have someone with real-life experience in the supernatural power of God guide you safely through this life-changing experience. A blessing that wasn't available to Brother Dave, and consequently motivated him to create this course in the hope that others would not have to endure the pain of failing a divine test or falling victim to an enemy trap.

Lesson Summary

The text emphasizes the importance of living out a faithful Christian life, as it literally has life and death consequences for both ourselves and those connected to us. Our level of faith can even impact someone's eternal destination. These eternal outcomes are not something to take lightly, and although it may be hard to acknowledge these realities, it is important that we stay true to our faith and soberly accept spiritual reality. In the video, an illustration involving three families, each with a terminally ill child, is used to clarify the likely outcomes for each child based on each family's relationship with and belief in God. It is because of an intimate relationship the third family has with God that they aggressively pursue divine intervention on behalf of their sick child. And it is this child that in miraculously healed. Key take aways:

  • The quality and quantity of a Christian's faith, like it or not, has eternal consequences. Not only for themselves but for every life touched by them.
  • Only someone with extensive experience in walking in the supernatural can effectively and safely guide a novice through the transformation in walking in signs, wonders and miracles. Brother Dave has the spiritual credentials to do just that.
  • If we do not strengthen our faith and walk in miracles, signs and wonders, as Jesus has called us to do, obviously we will not be a position to seek the same degree of divine intervention as someone who does. Unless you know someone else who does operate in the supernatural, any life or death situation we encounter will have a much differenct outcome than one with definitive divine intervention.

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